Category: Polished Concrete

Grinding Concrete Floors Takes Many Steps

Grinding concrete floors is an effective way to refine a concrete surface, remove many irregularities, and level out the slab surface. Pitting, roughness, and cracks can reduce the concrete’s resiliency and beauty, so it’s important to have a smooth, even surface before using or polishing the floor. There are many methods of grinding concrete floors,…

Do You Know How to Polish a Commercial Concrete Floor? You Will After Reading This

Polishing a commercial concrete floor is a big job. Even for a relatively small concrete surface, the amount of work it takes is still impressive because there are many steps that must be carefully completed in a specific sequence. This amount of care is necessary for ensuring the strongest, most attractive and long-lasting polished concrete…

Got Flooring? How to Transition from Old Flooring to Concrete Polished Floors

For the average business, getting rid of old flooring before transitioning to concrete polished floors can look like an overwhelming and backbreaking task. Ripping up old carpet, pulling up layers of laminate, and then figuring out how to scrape up the stubborn old adhesive – wouldn’t it be easier to just sell the place and…

Considering Flooring Options for Your Warehouse? Here’s a Breakdown of Polished Concrete Floor Benefits

The perfect time to consider the many polished concrete floor benefits is when you are building a new warehouse or rehabilitating an existing one. There are a lot of important decisions to be made when you are in the process of moving your company into a new warehouse location. Compared to other warehouse flooring types,…

Is the No-Maintenance Floor a Scam? The Truth from a Polished Concrete Contractor

Some polished concrete contractors may try to tell you that once your concrete floor is sealed, you won’t have to worry about maintenance. They may even try to convince you that routine cleaning is merely an option, or that the floor will never need to be resurfaced, or that it’s indestructible. If this all sounds…

Why We Love Industrial Polished Concrete Floors (And You Should, Too!)

Industrial polished concrete floors have many benefits. The cost to maintain a concrete floor is low, and cleaning it is extremely simple. Concrete floors are ideal for industries that tend to put a lot of wear and tear on their floors – think warehouses or factories with heavy machinery and lots of foot traffic. No…

Caring for Commercial Polished Concrete Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard – 7 Tips from the Pros

Commercial polished concrete floors are a durable, attractive, and long-lasting investment for many businesses. Although treated concrete requires very little maintenance, many people remain curious as to what they can do to extend the life of the polished concrete floors in their facilities. With just a little care and following basic precautions, your concrete floors…