Author: TitusRestoration

Why We Love Industrial Polished Concrete Floors (And You Should, Too!)

Industrial polished concrete floors have many benefits. The cost to maintain a concrete floor is low, and cleaning it is extremely simple. Concrete floors are ideal for industries that tend to put a lot of wear and tear on their floors – think warehouses or factories with heavy machinery and lots of foot traffic. No…

Caring for Commercial Polished Concrete Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard – 7 Tips from the Pros

Commercial polished concrete floors are a durable, attractive, and long-lasting investment for many businesses. Although treated concrete requires very little maintenance, many people remain curious as to what they can do to extend the life of the polished concrete floors in their facilities. With just a little care and following basic precautions, your concrete floors…

Light Reflectivity of Concrete

Proper lighting has proven year after year, in several hundred studies, to increase workplace productivity and employee mood. As energy conservation and green building solutions have grown in popularity, the technology to our common lighting systems have significantly improved and more industrial warehouses are incorporating these advanced, energy-efficient means of lighting into their operating expense.…

Polished Concrete Edge Finishing

Part of the design for your polished concrete floors will be choosing the edge finishing. There are different options based on your budget and needs. First we will discuss the limitations of polished concrete edges and then options and their price ranges. Limitations of Polished Concrete Edges |Polished Concrete Expectations: The edges of polished concrete…

Warehouse Floor Repairs

Warehouse Concrete Floor Damage Those renting and leasing warehouse and industrial space know that tenants can be in need of warehouse floor repairs  just by the course of their tenant’s use.  Sometimes this damage can be foreseen and other times it cannot.  Here is an interesting scenario that was probably not foreseen by the landlord.…